Pokeball backpack

So here are some progress pictures of the Pokeball Backpack commision I got two weeks ago at the First Friday Art Walk. I just finished the pattern and cutting out the fabric. The way I laid it out is wrong the red is the top so just ignore the layout. The Front that consists of four pieces; the top (red), the bottom (white), the middle (black), and the button (white) in the middle of the black. The there is just the back (white) and the sides (white) then the linging which will be red cotton. I’m planning on using 1 inch wide black nyon webbing for the straps and handle. The straps will be adjustable, per customers request. I’ve never made a round bag this big before so this should be interesting to sew. Plus it’s vinyl so that’ll make it extra tricky. I’ll be sure to post pitures of the finished product before giving it to the customer. I’ll probably have them on etsy as a custom order as well.

Click here go to my etsy shop to purchase

New projects

It’s been along time since I’ve posted my work up on my blogs. I’ve wondered off for a while. But I’ll be posting more stuff soon. I have a new project that I’ve been working on for an upcoming Anime convention. I’m making some anime inspired backpacks, messanger bags, coin purses, and wallets. Right now I’m working on some stuff for the anime Bleach. Here is a little peak at what I have so far. These are inspired by the 13 court gaurd squad captains.