Reblog: Free Steampunk Mustache Wallpaper for March



We thought we would offer another FREE wallpaper design to celebrate March and our latest Steampunk Alphabet collection. This design was made by our talented artist Danielle! She helped design the Steampunk Alphabet and decided it was too much fun not to create a snarky poster out of it (and other crazy things like THIS).

So without further ado, we present the Urban Threads School of Mustaches free downloadable poster! Because knowing your steampunk mustaches from one another is an important life skill ;)

As a special treat, we have it available as a letter size poster print that you can print out and stick on your wall too! Click the image below to get that poster print.


click image to download!

Also available in the usual formats for your computer desktop, iPad, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, or Android phone, just click the buttons below to download and load onto your device. Don’t fret if you have a different kind of phone or device, one of these is sure to work :)


button_desktop(1920 by 1200 px)

button_iphone4(640 by 960 px)

button_iphone5(640 by 1130 px)

button_ipad(1024 by 1024 px)

button_android(480 by 640 px)

Loving that alphabet and all things Steampunk? Don’t forget they’re all ON sale now through Sunday, March 24 at 11:59 p.m., Central time.

Free Steampunk Mustache Wallpaper for March
Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:00:29 GMT

ReBlog:DIY palm gloves

</a>I like fingerless palm gloves, but I have a hard time finding them. Most of the mass produced gloves/ armwarmers are too long, too tight, or bad fabric. So I started making my own. I’ve made several pairs, and now that I think I have the kinks worked out, I want to share this easy how-to with you.
Need: Needle, good shears, microfiber socks or any stretchy sock that fits over your hand, matching thread.
I used plain 99 cent socks from the local thrift store, but you could use tiedye, stripes, or unicorn farts and bunnies if you so desire. This is a good reuse of socks that wear holes in the heel or toe, because that part gets cut off any way.
Start by triming off the anckle part of the sock right at the heel. As you can see, the formed heel will limit where you cut at, but you want to get as close to the heel as you can to ensure a good length to the glove.

Turn the tube inside out and slide it onto the fingers of your off hand with the raw end towards your wrist. Turn down about 1/2 inch of the raw edge. This will be the new seam that lay across your knuckles. Using a whip stitch, work your way around the raw edge. Run the needle at a right angle to the raw edge. This way the threads will lay diagonally on the under or ‘wrong’ side (which is currently facing you), but will lay straight on the right side. If you keep the threads straight, they should blend in with the knit of the sock (which is why I had to use white thread for the demo, the threads blended in -too- well).

Wrong side

Right side
Now slide the sock onto your hand. You can try to with the new hem and the old hem towards the fingers to see if it makes a difference, but whichever you choose, make sure you have both socks the same direction before cutting the thumb hole! With the sock on, mark the place where your thumb sticks out the most. Cut a TINY HOLE at this spot. Socks are stretchy, and it only takes a few cut threads to open up to a thumb sized hole. I wanted most of my thumb base to show too, so my hole is the size of the cap of a marker (smaller than an American dime). If you want just your thumb, and not the base, to show, you will want to make a SMALLER HOLE.
Position the tube so that it sits where you want (close to the knuckles? over the knuckles? across mid palm?) mine is set to go over the knuckles. Cut the spot directly over your thumb knuckle.

This spot. the one the skizzors are pointing at.

Same spot, without sock.

Carefully put the wrong side out sock on your fingers again (be gentle as runs may occur) and fold back the raw edge so that it lay on the wrong side (you will have to fold it back as you sew) and start a whip stitch around the edge in the same way as you did for the cuff. You can run a running stitch around the hole first to hold the edge where you want it, but in my experience the running stitch will have to be removed to allow the sock to stretch around your thumb.

Wrong side

Right side
Tie the ends off and you’re good to go! This would be a good time to point out how much of my thumb sticks out of that TINY HOLE I cut earlier. Like I said, socks is stretchy.

Oh, and why to do with the rest of the sock? Make a big hair tie!
I removed the toe and heel seam, folded the resulting tube in half with right side out, tri-folded it with the raw edges in the middle and added a couple knotted whip stitches about every inch to hold the ends together. Or you could just roll the tube from one end to the other (like how pantyhose roll up when you’re taking them off) and leave the raw edge to fray naturally. I was kinda suprised at how good of a hair tie it is.

DIY palm gloves
Fri, 04 Sep 2009 18:46:34 GMT

Kerfuffle with a ruffle. Another less than stellar sewing day.

This is exactly what happened to me when I tried to use a ruffler foot.


We all have difficult days and days when things just don’t go the way we had planned.  One day is fine.  Two in a row is getting a bit frustrating!  I did quite a few trials of my organza with the ruffler.  I had never used one before because they are rather terrifying to look at:

And because years of sewing square dance costumes in my younger days made me swear off doing anything ruffly ever again, ever.  Buuuuut…here we are and ruffles are required.  So think of it as a new challenge, a new start and use this wonderful piece of machinery to make it all go so easily!  Not so fast…

It started out quite well.  Well enough to take an in-progress photo:

That’s about 1/45th of the ruffle done.  I should not have rushed to assume it would end well.  After this there were the stops because…

View original post 131 more words

(Sewing) Feets don’t fail me now!

This blog post makes me want an ipad even more. Oh the things you can learn with the internet. I’m interested in learning more about the different feet I have for my machine now. I know I’m not taking advantage of them the way I could.

CherryPix : SewingPix

A number of ‘feet’ came with my sewing machine (Janome 6260QC) but I really didn’t know what they were for or how to use them… so I went looking for information. Some of what I found is specific to Janome but hopefully users of other brands will pick up something useful.

Janome’s US website has a great range of video tutorials on how to use various feet – they are short and easy to view (you’ll need to disable your pop-up blocker – the videos pop up in a new window).

I also invested in a Kindle version of ‘The Sewing Machine Attachment Handbook’ by Charlene Phillips

which is great for pictorial explanation. I particularly like viewing this type of book via my iPad because I can zoom in on the pictures and really ‘see’ what the foot looks like. The book is very comprehensive, covering the history of attachments (which is…

View original post 443 more words